2012年12月14日 星期五

母奶社團被人惡意封鎖啦----- 是誰不讓我們吸ㄋㄟㄋㄟ?

人類的道德在淪喪嗎     不參與正義公理     寧可為一己之私遺臭萬年    因為世界末日將到嗎

請看見此文的媽媽 也幫忙轉寄英文信給臉書總部 信箱   disabled@facebook.com

facebook_taiwan@ymail.com 台灣的~~



(I fixes a few typos and repost) --------- 英文申訴信之一

Recently Facebook shut down one of my favorite groups, "Breastfed Babies' Challenges" (母奶娃娃考考你). As a participating member who have benefited from this group since the birth of my baby, I strongly urge Facebook to reopen it.

"Breastfed Babies' Challenges" is run by volunteering lactation consultants. Like Kellymoms or Breastfeeding Basics, it offers breastfeeding⋯⋯moms a channel to ease into the

new breastfeeding lifestyle, which is a learning rather than natural process. It also offers local as well as overseas Taiwanese moms a channel to connect.

It is absurd for Facebook to close down a group which has committed itself to community service and connection. Please reopen the group for us and for our babies.   --------------英文申訴信之二 To whom it may concern:

Facebook has recently suspend a group names"母奶娃娃考考妳", as on of the fans of this group, I'm strongly doubt about your decision.

If you have ever check the detail of this group, you will notice this is a closed breast feeding group which admin by social workers, international lactation consults and doctors. It doesn't violet anyone, doesn't involv⋯⋯ed any commerical or cause any problem, beside, It actually helps a lot of breast feeding mothers to solve their problems just like it helped me.

I don't know who report this group to u or any reason made you have to suspend the group, but please, let this group back to its work, we as more than 10k breast feeding fans need its professional help.

Thank you.

2 則留言:

  1. 柳大姐您好:


    1. http://lactation.pixnet.net/blog/post/35610107#comment-37168306
